Get your podcast online in 10 minutes – if you’re lucky.

Just a quick note about podcasts. I got a call from a friend of mine asking me to get her up and running with a podcast. She already has the audio recorded, and put into an mp3 file. (see audacity) We chatted about it for a while, and after a little debate, we decided on a plan. From start (after the debate) to finish… about ten minutes. here’s how.

First step – get a place to host it
Go to bluehost. Register for a one (or two) year account. They’ll throw in a free domain name with that, 10 GIGS (etc. etc. etc.), cpanel of space pretty much everything you need. If you wanna check to see if you’re domain name is taken or not… i use godaddy
This costs just under $100 Canadian a year(credit card or paypall). This is the only cost you will incur.

Second step – get your site configured
At the end of the bluehost installation it will ask you if you want to go to your ‘cpanel page’. you do.
You’ll see a bunch of icons over most of the page and a bunch of info on the left banner that you may or may not understand NO MATTER.
-scroll down
-in the far right column you’ll see something called ‘fantastico’ CLICK IT.

in the left column you will see a list of programs… you want WORDPRESS

click on wordpress and the right column will change, you will want to NEW INSTALLATION

Fill in the information. The directions are there, read them carefully, and you’ll be okay… some tips
-install into the root directory (leave the first field (rectangle) empty.
-use ‘admin’ as your username and a familiar password
-don’t worry about the email account, just use one of yours, it’s for sending a new password if you lose yours.

click – finished a couple of times and you’re wordpress will be installed.

Check to see if your domain has ‘propogated’)
This can take anything from 2 minutes (which it did for us today) to 72 hours (which happened to me once). This is the lucky part referred to in the title. It takes a while for the internet to decide that your domain name is a place to go.
– type into your browser (try with and without the www) (the ‘domainname’ refers to the domain you chose in your bluehost install)

Get that podcast up and rockin’
Once you are propagated you can go to
use your user and password from bluehost installation.

– click file manager (second column second row of icons (i think))
– click www (on the folder part (little yellow rectangle))
– near the top of the list you will see ‘create new folder’ click this
– call the folder’ audio’
– go to the ‘audio’ folder
– click ‘upload’ (other list of options, somewhere topish right)
-find your mp3 file and upload.

Go to wordpress
-go to
-click ‘login’
-click ‘write’
– post a title and some text and somewhere include a xhref=”″>my cool podcast (except you’ll need to add a ‘< ' to the front of it, which i can't, because it would just make a link. -click submit. I have to do this with the wordpress in fantastico, i don't know why. -after you've logged into wordpress (see above) click 'Presentation' -theme editor -footer template - In the first 10 lines of code there are two place where it says 'feed:' - in here, delete all the things that say 'feed:' save changes.

You have a podcast. Immediately return to this site, and post your podcast ‘feed’ in the comments. your podcast feed is available at the bottom of your new podcast page where it says ‘entries rss’
this link information will allow the whole world ‘potentially’ to enjoy you’re great audio
-find beer
-open beer
-drink beer
-repeat as necessary. Technorati Tags:

4 Responses to “Get your podcast online in 10 minutes – if you’re lucky.”

  1. Cyn Says:
    It works, it really works. Here is the proof:

    Parkdale Doris

  2. Dave Says:
    Or just sign up for an Elgg account – upload your mp3 file into your file repository and then subscribe to your feed – done. 2 mins max!
  3. Ben Says:
    To echo Dave, Elgg also allows you to have several podcasts, sorted by tag, or subscribe to every podcast anyone runs. You can also limit individual podcast files so they can only be accessed by certain people.
  4. Tim McKean Says:
    Thanks for the step by step Dave…

    I’m still a little unclear on RSS feeds… will I have to change the feed each time I post a new episode, or does the feed just look for the most recent post?


Author: dave

I run this site... among other things.

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