Seeing the video and understanding the concept of rhizomatics from your earlier writings I can honestly say I am struck with great inspiration to start practicing the rhizomatic knowledge node immediately in a website environment. I have long agreed with the idea that knowledge is not linear or nearly as structured as educational frameworks of old tend to want to make it. To enter at any point and exit at any other point while continuing to add to one’s “spiral” knowledge base seems to more definitively describe how learning really takes place.

The video helps me “see” how all this can work on a website and how a community can collectively build a rhizomatic knowledge “node”. I have questions about the tagging process but love the idea of making that the skill the learn. We need to learn how to tag so that the connections can take place in an organic way. I really appreciate your comment about the people being responsible contributors so the concept can flourish.

Great job on continuing to define rhizomes.