Lovely and touching.

1. I have a good friend I helped to set up a website as a part of his significant health challenges, including a heart transplant. It was intended to be a simple way of communicating the current news of his condition more easily than fielding a lot of phone calls. Hut he turned out to be such a brilliant writer that it’s become a wonderful chronicle of a brave man. His underlying condition means that his life will be relatively short, and it got me to wondering what will happen when the domain or hosting services expire for so many, and will Wayback Machine retain enought of it–since my own experiences there have make it seem it’s often not exhaustive.

2. I own the domain name, and have wondered about using it to create a wiki that allows for the posting of personal biographies that wouldn’t meet Wikistoria’s source standards. I thought it might even be a great curricular project–a way of recording those histories that don’t know have digital identities?

Thanks for bringing these thoughts up.