I appreciated having the time to mull over the course syllabus and read all of my fellow classmates’ comments.

Although I enjoyed reading the “syllabus”, I feel there were a few basic points missing from traditional syllabuses I have read and written in the past. i.e.,
– Instructor office hours or best communication practices
– Clearly defined goals and outcomes
– Course calendar or schedule
– Resources (other than ourselves)
– Course policies regarding attendance and late work

Having said all that, I am excited about breaking free from the traditional course mold. On July 12th, Sandy posted that “The strong element of uncertainty inherent in this course contradicts much of what is accepted with respect to adult learning”. I would somewhat agree with this statement. However, the fact that the learner’s prior knowledge is valued, that they are the center of the learning experience, and the learning is hands on and interactive all jive nicely with andragogy principles.

I am anxiously awaiting more details regarding the assessments and their expectations. Will rubrics be provided?

I too am skeptical about the 10 minutes per evening time commitment. But, I’m okay with that. I wouldn’t call it homework, just an extended reflection period.

It seems to me that the challenge here is not to keep abreast of all new technologies, a feat which is monumental, if not impossible. However, a teacher should at least be open to the idea of new and emerging technologies and recognize both their limitations and strengths for use in an educational setting.