Hi Dave-

I’ve been attempting to read this blog post of yours for days only to be distracted by one thing after another. Now your blog has moved again to the front burner and begs for a response.

I would like to share my blog with you (it’s a new site that I set up for this MOOC.


I think that you will appreciate some of the ideas I present and how I look at a PLE/N.

After reading some of the responses to your blog, I have even more to reflect upon. And that led me to think that there are Learning Environments that overlap. Indulge me in my explanation and rationale. There is my PLE (I control the content and the connections which are my PLN that lead to my PLK), then I have a Course Learning Environment (the environment I create for my students), and then there is the University Learning Environment (different from the course but likely overlaps in a bigger picture framework), and in an organization there would be an Organizational Learning Environment (that could overlap with a PLE or a CLE). The networking of the tools in the environment are dependent upon the user of the environment. The knowledge that is then created by the networking can become PLK, CLK, or OLK.

I’m quite new to all of this and I’m having a marvelous time. I’m looking forward to more of your reflections.

Katrina Way, MBA