Hi Dave,
This is why I joined #Change11
First time I have run across the rhizometric learning metaphor . . . and I love it! Explains how I learn and why there is so much ‘stuff’ in my garage that I’ve sort of finished using. I’ve used it to learn and now I’m off learning / using something else.
The problem in my teaching practise on which I have to think about more is:
Why don’t the students I teach (who I am sure learn rhizometrically as they are lower quarter maths students) transfer what they have learnt in Maths or Science or Workshop into other subjects?
What do I need to do in my Maths class to encourage this? So that the rhizometric learning I know they do, can cross between the boundaries of ‘subjects’ which we impose on them.
Great area for me to think about and work out how to alter my teaching practise.
Thank you very much for starting this thought process. Cheers – Barry.