There is no doubt in my mind that we experience the world in a rhizomatic fashion, making connections in ways that are personally meaningful and relevant at a given time. I am nevertheless troubled by a number of questions: Is learning synonymous with experiencing, or is one subsumed within the other (and depending on the event, the one or the other may be the more encompassing “entity”). Whereas experience develops according to the metaphorical rhizome, is learning necessarily rhizomatic rhizomatic in all contexts? How does the organizational structure that inevitably underlies a teaching context affect the learning process? Can most organizations afford to support instructional structures designed for rhizomatic learning (and maybe this is itself a contradiction in terms)? We have only to think of the revolutions in terms of traditional separation between disciplines and assessment emphases to realize that on an institutional level, this is likely to meet resistance in many places. These questionsoccur to me despite / because of my long-term attraction to the ideas of D & G.