Greetings, Dave, and many thanks for your illuminating blog, especially your provocative magnification of multitudes of meaning in Rhizomatic Learning. I have passed that on to so many folks because you offer a timely and enriching conversation about the organic core metaphor as transformative from the ancient models of linear ascending mastery. Refreshing and liberating!

I also encourage you to contact a recently graduated sculptor from U of Guelph named Hilary Hung who gave form to rhizomatic learning her her ineffable sculptures—you both would have a lot to share: Hilary Hung

Although I spent a few decades teaching in a sixth subject after taking degrees in five others (plus ten years in the corporate sector and another fifteen as an entrepreneur doing commercial/residential renovations as finish carpenter), I feel validated by many of your insights into teaching and its obvious as well as hidden functions in community–and mostly I feel that while we have remedial speaking, reading, writing skills, we should go to the root by teaching “reflective listening” as cure for so many ‘learning disabilities.’ If you are interested, I will happily send you my notes and some of my pieces on teaching, such as my recent “From a Professor to a Parent: What I wish I could say.” One thing about the humility of daring to teach is the noble acceptance of the reality that none of us will have enough lifetime to explore all the excellences we are actually and latently capable of. Thank you for your spontaneous combustion of flame in the NB lighthouse at the edge of our darkish world in these dangerous times. May the peace you shape and share be visible in the eyes of those whose lives you have brightened. Shine on, Dave!

Greg Malszecki