Rhizomatic, schrmizomatic . . . you had me then you lost me 🙂 It was great churning through some of these ideas on the Worldbridges Webcastathon – yes, on the Worldbridges network … the home of EdTechTalk.com! Anyway … this is a topic that I have been following from a variety of angles lately:

Designing Coproduction Experiences: In one of my instructional design classes, we are using a book (Do It Yourself Customers – The Coproduction Revolution) written by my professor which centers on the design of what he terms “co-production” experiences. A central focus of the book is that if we want customers (or in the context of our discussion last night – learners) to achieve excellence as they take on roles in a co-production experience (like the Drupal CMS Academy), we must carefully contemplate the “vision (goals / feedback), access, incentive and expertise” within the design. The book provides in-depth analysis and guidance regarding these themes.

Engagement and Co production: The online book “The Journey to the Interface” addresses similar themes. I found the link to this online book today from a link in Josie Fraser’s post.

Informal / Emergent / Incidental Learning: Last week, I was introduced to a blog by a graduate student at the University of Georgia. While it appears she graduated from the Jeff L School of Blogging and may not maintain frequent posts, she may be a resource for you. I was told by her colleagues that her research interests are in online informal (emergent and incidental) learning.

Again, I see all of these ideas as a variation on a theme. Hopefully, more fuel for your rhizomatic fire . . .