@joel I would never personally host real information for something like that out on the cloud. We’ve interviewed the pbwiki dudes on edtechtalk http://edtechtalk.com/EdTechTalk65 and they seem like really nice people… but how can you be really sure when they’ll be there?

13000. If I had an LDAP connection to their ids… I would connect that to something (i would use drupal) scramble the ids (must be possible, never tried it) and set up a really detailed content management plan through content types and CCK. I would either run out each ‘area’ as a separate multisite (depending on how the admins worked out… one major admin per site… you don’t want competing drupal admins working in the same drupal if you can help it) and then use the site for both front end interaction with parents and for working in the classroom. We tried something like this as a pilot with http://livingarchives.ca.