It seems obvious to me; if you sit back and wait, the future happens to you, and you then have to react, make quick changes, and use your resources to deal with change etc.

This whole process of looking to the future is to have that evolutionary/competitive advantage of being prepared for it, so whatever change it brings you/your organization/your circle can jump the waves.

Or heck, it is just fun to try and peer into the future (Stephen seems to have lots of fun there). Isn’t that what motivates people to do all the things we do, to have something to drive for? (is this the meandering kind of response you are seeking?)

I can’t remember Steohen’s story, but I was just listening and wondering what Assinibone did with this report? Did they use it, or pat him on the head? That is the harder part- what do you do with our future peering?

It’s an interesting arc from Alan Kay’s Dynabook (the seismic shift in computing to make it personal,portable, and a platform for creation) across many dots to Stephen’s PAD (damn was he on with the name!) to maybe the iPad? It seems even more interesting to me how much feverish speculation and vapor conclusions people were making before the damn thing is out. The frenzy to push out these ideas is nutso.