Keith, I think you might be talking about intentionality and the responsibility of creating a space or class and my idea of letting it run as it wishes does seem inappropriate. In Rhizo14 there is something present that’s not just random or ethereal that can be left to whatever happens. For sure the mark of our presence is here as participants and my thought at first was that this “history” might constrain future occurrences of Rhizo–inadvertently creating an object with its gravity, inhabitants and norms that would make it something to be “joined” rather than “become.”

I should read up on my Buddhism on how something “becomes” (that word sticks in my head). My sense is we want to act on the world in a positive way here and not be passive about what has been made? Yet not stamp it as “ours” or declare things “done”?

Wonder if rather than dabbling in causality we can think in terms of gifting? Gifting seems like a concept that fits teaching and giving of self to others.