Hi Dave,
The need for a social contract reminded my of the feeling all through school that the teachers were not even there as a representative of themselves. Unable to tell who actually was talking to me made it impossible to connect with the person. I run into the same alienation with the medical people I now depend on–all policy and “proven practice”, to them I’m invisible. And to me they are poorly designed, dismissive and entirely down some rabbit hole where I’m not.

The idea of a contract with the medicos appeals. At least we could start out with me there, on paper at least. Save them the prepared speech about me being “important” which has become step one in transforming me into an object-conformant of the system.

More models of learning / teaching practice from Maha here: http://rebels-library.org/files/anarchistpedagogies.pdf The book is free and the Editor even mentions D&G!
And also here: Passion of the Explorer:
About the Shift Index http://www.deloitte.com/us/shiftindex

To me, the Rhizo14 experience gave me solid assurance that teaching is possible–not just something to do at school while waiting for the kids to grow-up and leave.