As a Quaker by osmosis (rather than a scholar of the Reformation), I have often heard that the printing and dissemination of the Bible in English gave a lot of people the opportunity to read and interact with the text for themselves, discuss it among each other, and not rely on interpretations handed down by the clergy. Quakers also emphasized continuing revelation: the printed Bible was not the last inspired word, but God could speak to or through anyone at any time. I’ve often heard it said that Quakers abolished the laity, not the clergy; we are all understood to be ministers. Direct experience, and listening for “where the words came from,” was and still is more highly valued by Quakers than any fixed content (such as you describe here). We also tend to pose queries, and many of the writings from early Quakers are journals, or epistles to specific individuals or groups that assume an ongoing conversation and interest in learning from each other.

The kind of learning I’ve experienced among Quakers is different from much of my other learning, and I would be curious to hear from others who have experienced anything like this.