Dave.. since when didn’t people in “developed societies” live in a “post-facts” “post(un)-truth” world?

It’s not as if key facts aren’t now more widely available – maybe we are more comfortable not taking them into account.

“The work was done with Canada in mind and does not, sadly, have significant examples from the Global South…or the US, or Asia. I recognize this limitation. [ONLY A LIMITATION??] However, the work is excellent as it is, and forms a starting point that CAN HOPEFULLY BE FILLED IN by participants from other contexts.”

Is Canada a fact?
Does coronavirus respect frontiers?
Does capitalism respect territories?

How can we ethically map our minds to a Canadian perspective and then ask others to append it?

What’s the use of that to the earth?

How can we talk about hopeful educational futures without finding the means to open our minds to widely different perspectives from around the world.

“The map is not the territory.”

Lacoste 1976
“La géographie, ça sert d’abord à faire la guerre.”

Thanks for making me think.
