I have always hated the term « engage » in éducation as in « en gage – https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gage_(finance) » as the idea of compliance is predominant (see http://tachesdesens.blogspot.com/2014/12/cub-clothing-conjugation-correction-and.html in response to one of your previous posts https://davecormier.com/edblog/2014/12/21/learnings-first-principle-the-most-important-thing-i-learned-this-year/ during #rhizo14) Students that I have worked with this year regardless of their motivation have become progressively totally exhausted/saturated/fed up with online « learning ».

Even when they consider one class « engaging » and dialogue is open they speak of being zombiefied by the morass of classes in which they tune out, turn off, drop out and do something else.

So my only recommendation would be to be open to open or private dialogue with groups and/or individuals.