Education After Blackboard (blackweb) and DOPA – A Conference


In the span of a couple of weeks the educational landscape we’ve all come to know and care about has taken an awful beating. It seems that DOPA is taking away our open ed-web and blackweb is taking away our walled gardens. For DOPA discussions check out will richardson and for blackweb Harold Jarche and the post on the moodle forums (sign in required… but if you’re not signed up, sign up now, the more the merrier) The important thing to draw from that discussion is that Blackweb has already filed for patent infringement (desire2learn).

So here’s the thing. Individually we’re just a bunch of bloggers/educators/interested folks looking at a bunch of rapid fire legislation and going… wait. you can’t do this. What we really need is some kind of united response… we need to react in a way that is focused. We need to gather the experience and intelligence of the community and decide what needs to be done.

In the interests of this I suggest two things.

  1. Continue going over to weblogg-ed and posting about what you think we all need to do.
  2. Come to our planning conference this weekend at 8pm EDT on Sunday.

During our conference we’re going to discuss the three issues.

  1. First, we’re going to want to understand exactly what the issues are
  2. Second, we’re going to want to talk about what we can do to oppose these two legal thingies (if necessary)
  3. Third, where do we go if we lose both. What happens to e-learning?

Everyone is invited. We’re gonna contact blackboard. We’ll contact moodle, desire2learn, and anyone else who wants a voice on the subject. Come out and make your voices heard.

cheers. dave.

Author: dave

I run this site... among other things.

7 thoughts on “Education After Blackboard (blackweb) and DOPA – A Conference”

  1. As an easy gesture for users to note prior art may I suggest using the tag ” vle/prior-art ” perhaps following it with a date tag “19** ” Items thus tagged may be tracked and found by everyone.


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