Edtech Conference at UPEI – September 29th

Well here comes the self serving public service announcement. We have an uber-cool conference coming up on the 29th of September at the University of Prince Edward Island and we want YOU to come. ALL ARE WELCOME –> kick off at 9:30am

New Media Literacies in Learning Landscapes
Our speakers

REGISTRATION IS 20 bucks. Register here. We’ll feed you (lunch), show you a good time (by talking about cool stuff), and you’ll get a chance to come to Charlottetown Prince Edward Island.

For those of you still nervous about going to the website to register, I’ve copied the workshop descriptions. We’ll also be starting things off with a keynote from Will, and ending the day with a panel discussion rounding out the panels feelings about what all this technology stuff is about anyway.

Will Richardson:

Blogs, Wikis, and Powerful Web Tools

This session will introduce interactive and collaborative tools available for working online with students, including blogs, wikis, RSS feeds, social bookmarking, and aggregators, and will examine the implications of these tools for what it means to teach and learn in the 21st century. The evaluation of online collaborative work and policies for security and safety will be explored, as will ideas for capitalizing on the potential online audience to encourage student engagement.

Sharon Peters:

Personal Displays of Connection: Flattening Classroom Walls for Meaningful Conversations

This session will examine how students are connecting with peers locally and at a distance using the Internet and social networking environments outside of school. Research on the value of collaborative learning spaces and what students themselves have said about their participation in educational collaborative exchanges will be presented. A rationale for using shared virtual learning spaces in education, best practices in online blended learning for educators and what learning outcomes are evident in the online space will be shared with participants.

Jeff Lebow:
Streaming & Archiving Live Multi-class Interaction

This session will provide an overview of the possibilities and challenges involved in producing, recording, and publishing live, interactive webcasts. Including live interaction between students from different locations and cultures can add a ‘magic ingredient’ to new media projects, along with another set of challenging tasks for participating teachers. The agenda for this session will include:
– technical aspects and options for ‘webcasting’,
– overcoming administrative, logistic, and classroom management obstacles
– getting beyond the ‘wow’ of live interactivity to facilitate meaningful communication and learning
– live interaction with remote participants who have experience and/or interest in webcasting with students.

Elana Langer:
The Image of Learning

A hands-on, how-to session exploring ways teachers at all levels can incorporate digital video effectively and creatively into their classroom practices. This workshop will cover various uses of video including peer to peer filming, documentary, and instructional video, and will give participants the opportunity to learn strategies for optimal utilization, storage, and assessment of students’ video work.

Dave Cormier:
The Design Shop for Online Projects

This interactive workshop will explore ideas and options for integrating web technologies into the classroom, from the grassroots level up. Through a review of some of the newer free technologies available for the classroom, attendees will work together to plan, start or join projects with their own students. Come with your dream project in hand or in mind: at the end of the session you will have a list of goals and potential paths to getting some of your ideas online.

Dr. Alexander (Sandy) McAuley:

New Media, New Literacies, and Knowledge Building: A Framework for 21st Century Learning

The explosion of new media is contributing to a generation of children who come to school with significantly different ways of interacting with each other and the world than do their teachers. How might schools best respond to and build on these new literacies? One possibility is to engage students in “knowledge building:” using new technologies to contribute to a focus on posing problems and working with ideas to create new knowledge.

see you there?

Author: dave

I run this site... among other things.

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