Community Supported Agriculture – part 3: getting going is ready for early adopters.

I’d really love to have some people dig in and tell me what they like and don’t like so we can make this better. The big thing that is missing is the different farms. The data entry is a bit of a big job, but it’ll come. I promise that I’ll go back and fix whatever goes in now when the farms are there.

I’ve had some really great feedback and some good chats about this in the last few days. CSA people from around north america have been in contact, I’ve talked to various interest groups and have developed a sketch of the website.

I’d love to have a few people go there and give me their feedback. I know it’s impossible to say “don’t worry about the colours and the way it looks” but, take it for granted that those are things that are easily changed. I’m interested in how the little bit of functionality that is there works for you.

Off Island (and on Island folks)
1. Is there too much there already?
2. Is there something that is obviously missing?
3. Does this idea make sense to you?

On Island people looking for local food
1. register. Subscribe to one or two things. (right now you can subscribe to new ‘farms’ that are added and/or new stories told.)
2. Send feedback in the contact form on the site

3. Don’t register, and leave feedback here.

On Island people with a local food story.
1. register. Try posting a local food story
2. Come back here and let me know how it went
3. leave feedback on the site using the Contact Us link

Interested Farmers
1. Email me. I’ll give you all the instructions you need to get started.

What I”m looking for in all of this
1. I want my kids to have a connection to the food they eat.
2. I want to be able to do this easier than I am now
3. I’d like to see if this kind of community can work using the method that is being used here.

Author: dave

I run this site... among other things.

3 thoughts on “Community Supported Agriculture – part 3: getting going”

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