#ShrugCon OR In Search of a Pedagogy of Abundance: Preparing Students for an Uncertain Future (present?)

We care about learning… but what does that mean today? I have this suspicion that it’s about preparing people to deal with uncertainty… I’d like to know if you agree with me AND if you do, what we might do about it.


  • July 16-17 Online for the stories/discussions 
  • July 18-19 Hybrid after-party for creating usable artefacts from the discussion

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We have an abundance of information and mis/disinformation. We have an abundance of content and generated content. An abundance of connection. We can whip our way through tasks that used to take us hours and create artefacts between sips of coffee. We can, by reaching in our pockets, solve a math problem, find the lyrics to the song that is playing in the room we’re in or read a journal article on Housemaid’s Knee. Our information landscape has fundamentally changed.

What does it mean? What do we do? How do we adapt? 

Enter #ShrugCon? 

This is not a ‘shrug’ as in ‘I don’t care’ but rather a ‘wow, that’s a hard question without a simple answer’. It’s a commitment to addressing the challenges that we are facing in education without holding on to a random approach that we are comfortable with or narrowly focusing on one version of ‘actionable science’. We’re hoping to host a discussion. You’re invited to come along and tell a story about where you’re at in this conversation. You’re welcome to come and participate in the discussions that result from that story or, if you like, you’re welcome to just listen in. 

This is a 4 day online/hybrid event. The first two days are for stories. How has this abundance changed how you learn, how you think about learning how you help other people learn? We will have 2 days of facilitated discussion around various themes in an attempt to try and come to grips with some of the ways that information abundance affects learning in our formal, informal and day to day spaces. The last part of the event will be an after-party, hosted at the University of Windsor, where we will gather information from the previous activities in an attempt to create infographics, discussion papers and other outputs from the ideas generated by the event.

I’d love to chat 🙂

Author: dave

I run this site... among other things.

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