Wikipedia not as accurate as Britannica… bad Nature.

The debate about whether digital universe is better than wikipedia is better than britannica is better than my mom?

Irrelevant. There are no gatekeepers protecting knowledge. Or at least, the gatekeepers are very difficult to find and/or they can’t do their jobs very well anymore. What we have now are salespeople, they are selling particular brands of knowledge and we need to teach our students to be good consumers.

I was sent this little article this morning with one of those open mouthed smilies… It seems, at least according to The Register, which has been trashing wikipedia for months and months, that Nature did bad things with its data… That its research was bogus. Brittannica wrote a response to the Nature article that condemns their research practices and suggests things like – Nature sent parts of articles – Nature sent the childrens version.

Damning information for Nature. If they did it, they deserve a kick in the head. They’ve got one of those names you don’t like to be able to refute, like “my mom told me that”.

Damning for wikipedia? No. Not at all. It proves the point we’ve been making all along. Truth is a matter of perspective. Even the best research can be cooked (assuming Nature did that, which I’m not, I haven’t the foggiest idea if they have or not) and biases enter into every discussion.

The quest for ‘Truth’ in its capital T sense, is one best left for comparitive religion classes. What we need to teach students today is how to assess the ‘truths’ they are being presented with. This makes a perfect example…

  • Look at the register article
  • Look at the ‘related links’ on the bottom
  • Notice that they are all ‘anti-wikipedia’
  • Read the Britannica article
  • Read the Nature article
  • Draw your own conclusions
  • Wikipedia isn’t perfect
  • Britannica isn’t perfect
  • The Register isn’t perfect
  • Nature isn’t perfect

Add them together and you get a picture not only of what the ‘truth’ might be, but also of how biases affect knowledge, of how the corporate and tradition affect the way people see certain issues, and you do some solid research along the way. This is what our students need to learn how to do.

WIKIS in education – Wikitextbooks and the edtech curriculum project

We’ve been working on a couple of projects over the last couple of weeks. It’s been a wild ride, trying to balance the live work and encourage the asynchronous work… Live wiki building is, well, pretty busy work. There has been some confusion regarding the separation between the two projects… so i figure i’ll write a little review of both, sketch out some lessons learned and talk a little about where, from my own point of view, i’d like to see them go.(All opinions are those of the author alone and are not meant to reprensent the views of educationbridges, or worldbridges inc. 🙂 )

Wikitextbook Project at Educationbridges.

The wikitextbook project, or at least the live construction of it can be seen over at educationbridges. We had two main goals in trying to construct a wiki over there… We wanted to give some of our crew some experience working inside the wiki, and we wanted a working space to test out some of our speculative policy ideas.

We’ve done two shows around that space so far, and while there is not a terribly large amount of ‘content’ in the space, it was not entirely meant to ever house that content. The idea was to play around with some of the essential issues are wikitextbooks;

  1. How will validation be organized in practice?
  2. How will teachers work together in order to create content?
  3. How can content be displayed in ways that avoids the ‘text to screen’ problem?
  4. Who will the audience be and how will we reach them?
  5. What wiki building policies will we need?
  6. What would the template of a ‘good page’ look like?

There are more I suppose, but these are some of the issues that have come up over the course of the two episodes. The most compelling issue for me, and the one upon which i believe i have changed my mind concerns the audience. I went into this process believing that we were going to need to appease the administrators in given locals in order to be able to reach our initial goals of creating a wikitextbook that can be used in areas where the purchase of up-to-date textbooks is financially restrictive. On the last show… my mind was changed by the excellent arguments of the many.

I now believe that a core group of the willing will be needed for a successful wikitextbook project. We need to find three or four schools (cyber or otherwise) that have a willingness to work with us to create the first pilots of a project that will work. Only after success has been proved are we going to be able to convince more traditionally minded administrators that this can be a long term solution. Now, we need the schools and the money… and a clear delineated plan.

Edtech Barnraising – Building a New Media Curriculum.

The edtech barnraising and its accompanying wiki is was, and is, a very different beast. The intention of the barnraising is to get a bunch of different, talented edtechish educators together to create a foundation for new media education. A baseline of basic skills and knowledge available to anyone, to give them an idea of what can be done, and how to go about it.

The audience for the wiki is ‘the teacher on a Saturday night, who wants to teach something on Monday morning’ . There are five basic modules that are in the process of being built by some very smart people, and we hope that everyone will come and contribute to the process.

What have we learned about live wiki-ing in general?

We learned a bunch of stuff.

  1. Many, many people said that they needed voice chat in order to plan, as this would facilitate the interaction, as well as leave the fingers free for content creation.
  2. A system for navigation for the wiki absolutely needs to be worked out before you start.
  3. Allow for pauses in the development for people to catch their breath.
  4. Follow everything else you know that applies to other disciplines, be organized, do a nice introductory exercise, be encouraging, give people clear defined tasks etc…

The fine company I keep.

Good early morning to all of you. 5:39am here on the red dirt isle and I’m finishing my prep for a  5 hour class I’ll be teaching at ten… Crisp here, even in my house, and I’m soaking in that intense quiet of the early morning. An intense quiet disturbed only by the sharp teeth of one little orange kitten who seems to feel that fingers zinging over a laptop are the house’s version of ten blind mice.

I’m reading over an article by one of my favorite educational writers, Frank Smith, and been mulling over the events of the last few days: My somewhat unorthodox presence at the MACUL conference, the rolocking good time we had at the wiki spectacular, and the quite amazing group of people that have signed up for our barnraising on Sunday. And then I came across this line in the 5th Chapter of Smith’s book…

Learning is a social phenomenon. What everyone in every culture has taken for granted for millenia (until experimental psychologists took the study of learning out of the real world and put it in the laboratory) is that learning is a simple consequence of the company you keep. (p. 57)

I’ve learned a great deal since joining this community, and feel quite proud of my membership, excited to work with you all in the ways i get to, and humbled by your willingness to accept my contributions.

I would like to thank you all for being such fine company.

Have a great weekend, and see you on Sunday.

The Best Damn New Media Curriculum evah! – has a new title.

EdTech Barnraising – Building a New Media Curriculum

There’s the title. Others might be considered, or better found, but i like this one. I like the image of a community coming together to build something we all agree needs to be built. All contributing the skills that they have, their more specific knowhow, bringing their bests to a project that supports the entire community. yes, nice image, but what does it mean.

Introduction – what is a barnraising?

This barnraising is the prototype which, if it works, will be the first in an infrequent series of live online working conferences which are dedicated to the creation of pieces of content that are needed for the advancement of bleeding-wave new e-learning 2.0 media educationy stuff (note that i’m not super worried about what peopel call it, i call it new media). Our intention is to create a repository that reflects the views of our community, that being defined as the edublogging community, its friends, and the larger association of educators that know (or will soon) of its existence.

What is this barnraising all about?

This barnraising intends to build a new media curriculum that could be the starting point of, or an asset to, a course or program intended to help teachers blend new media into their classroom.

Who can come to this conference?

You can. By reading this blog, and making it this far into the post you have qualified to come. The things needed are an interest in education, new media and a basic knowledge of the technology. The live audio show will be offering the gravitational pull for this conference. Listening to this is a one click operation. In orbit around the show are the textchat(like MSN messenger), virtual white board and the wiki. If you can find edtechtalk, click on the audio and make it to the chatroom, your in.

What will happen if i go to this ‘barnraising’?

You will work, hopefully. There is room for everyone to take on a job, a responsibility. There is room for the experienced and the inexperienced. You can check out the agenda and follow your way through what we are planning, or contribute your own ideas of how you think it should work. The basic layout however, is this.

first – we will establish a common starting point with a statement of peda/andragogy. This will be boring, but necessary. I must insist on people bringing up their objections to this statement BEFORE the conference. If we start arguing about this during, nothing will get done.

second – choose the ‘modules’ and ‘module team leaders’. Each module team will be responsible for building part of the curriculum. A sample will be provided, but i generally expect, and indeed hope, it will be ignored. It is meant as a starting point. We will also discuss various rules and posting guidelines at this point.

third – the work begins in earnest. People will go to various whiteboard areas in order to begin work with their teams. i expect people to start various skype conferences, text chats etc… and encourage everyone to record their work for the archive. The responsibility for each module being posted to the wiki falls to the leader, but all are welcome to start their own strands as different points of view arise. Two ideas of how to solve a problem would be considered better than one in this project.

fourth – the wandering talk show. We’ll be dropping into various work groups as the conference progresses, getting a sense of what is going on, briding the modules together for crossover work, recruiting help and advice for difficult issues.

fifth – the recap. We’ll try to bring as many people together at the end to get a sense of where were at, where we need to go, and overall, to see if the project worked.

How will we know we’ve succeeded?

Always the most important question. Success will be measured by whether or not we’ve created something that can be built upon.

Server Mayhem, google cache and this blog


well well…

The worldbridges server died. Long live the worldbridges server. We lost everything. No backups. All 125 websites, all the blog posts, content, forum posts, audio… everything. We just had the stuff we had scattered on our computers. I spent that whole of Monday morning mourning all the work we’ve done over the last few years… thinking about the nine years of work for Jeff. And every twenty minutes or so i thought of another person, someone with a course on the server, or with their personal website, a band or whatever, and i felt worse. So much good stuff gone.

One of the most personal losses for me was this blog. I was devastated. The only consistent writing i’ve ever done. The last six months of my practice recorded and lost. All the incoming links everything gone. And then i found the wonder of google cache.

First – back up your system. right now. i’m not kidding. go back it up. you can lose everything too. back it up!

Second – after ignoring my advice and losing (or being close to it, Ewan you know who you are) go to google and put in and click on the little cache buttons underneath the entries.

Third – spend a very long time copy and pasting.

voila – a blog ressurected.

I’m sorry if some of you just got 43 posts from the feed. I am incredibly sorry to any and all of our people who lost work, i wish there was more i could do. I wish you all good luck with your stuff…


A Plan for a New Media Curriculum – Online Work Conference

February 19th, 2006 It’s been a tough year for blogging. I’ll spare you fine people the details, suffice it to say, that i’ve got a few things that i’m trying to get to. I’ll try and do a wrap up of a few projects this week, and get some help to a few long suffering members, but for today, i wanna talk about my working conference.

A half-hundred times over the last eight months that i’ve been priveledged enough to be a member of the edtechtalk team, the conversation of how we would teach a new media course to educators has come up… i mean, not just to educators, but to anyone really. What would you focus on? Learning objectives? style, format… you name it. The thought of how to collect all this valuable information from some 100 hours of audio crossed my mind for about two seconds before i realized that there was no way i would do it.


And that’s the point. Each member of this community, given a couple of weeks, could put together a reasonable, if not awesome, new media curriculum. The problem is that each one of us is involved in our family lives, our projects, day jobs, blogs… whatever. So what I’m proposing is that we all get together and write a starting point. Not just one single position, but a conglomerate of positions on what a new media curriculum for training teachers would look like. I propose that we all get together for as much time as we have to spare, say at least an hour and up to several hours, on one day, and put together a starting point that everyone can work from.

This is my little intro from the prep-wiki on edtechtalk.

March 12th –> Online at Edtechtalk.

This is a plan for a mass curriculum project. Dave is going to post his work as a starting point, but everyone else is free to take part or all of the curriculum and create their own version or strand. What we’re hoping to get is not one curriculum, where we’ve all had to concede things that are important to us in order to find consensus, but MANY different curricula that are all better for having been made alongside the others.

The plan… hmmm… yes we need one of these. i have some ideas, and have gotten some pretty good advice so far. i’ll try and distill it and put it in. Feel free to drop your own ideas in here as well… it is a wiki.

So, if you’re interested, go on over and add your name, and add your thoughts on the idea. Whatever gets created will be offered up to the community free of anything. It really will be a community project. I want to come out with something that someone could use, even the next day. Given enough people, and the right organization, we could make something really cool happen. Maybe, if we’re lucky, create a seminal document that people could work from… Sounds like a fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon…

oh. and the other reason i want to do an online conference… I was jealous of the people at the Northern Voice Conference… that just sounded too cool.

Wikitextbooks – Moving Forward.

wow. what a week. I’ve been talking to all kinds of cool people over the last week, and have been spending pretty much every waking hour working on either the wikitext project or on the project at my university. The time has come, I think, for a model of where the wikitextbook project could go. There are several different threads at the moment, but I’m just going to focus on the one that answers our original question, and that is, “can a wikitextbook replace textbooks in K-12 classrooms?” This isn’t meant to be a business plan… but a blog post on where I think we should go, it will range far and wide… which might not surprise those who’ve been here before :-)

Thus far the project has been an excellent experience in connective learning. We’ve talked to many different people across different fields and have identified some needs, worked through some guidelines and posited a variety of solutions. The main commentary that i’ve been hearing since the last episode is ‘now it’s time for a plan.’ So, here is a draft proposal.

Ensuring a need – Checking the field
The plan that we are following over the next few weeks is to bring in as much experience as possible to make sure that the wikitextbook project isn’t already being done somewhere else. We have not interest in recreating the wheel. I think that we are doing something different than the two other major instances of wiki textbook projects; wikibooks and wikitextbooks.

building a team – a business and a leader
There are two key members of a preliminary team that are needed in order to get the project started. A person experienced in starting open source projects to write a solid business plan, and a project leader with experience with the software and the community, and, most importantly, considers themselves an educator.

A need for real curriculum – finding starting content
According to bud the thing we really need to do is get some curriculum together. I, to some degree, agree. It could take several months to write the necessary curriculum to fill a wikitextbook, even if the intent were only to create a proof of concept. There are several half-full wiki projects out there, and one of the main criticism that mainstream educators have of them is that they are incomplete.

The kind of group I would like to approach would be the people that Sean is working with. Take a look at Sean’s situation. He has curriculum, needs to constantly update it, and runs into problems with paper publishing. He, and I’m sure many people like him, have an established curriculum and need some expertise and a plan to allow them to deal with their issues. I think that this would be an excellent avenue to go down in order to put together a proof of concept.

Setting up the wiki – structural design
While it is necessary to adapt any curriculum to a wiki environment, having something to work with at the beginning would make it much easier to structure the wiki-environment. Some initial thoughts. There needs to be at least two levels (probably more) of accessibility for the wikitextbook. The core, built from the initial curriculum and the shell, developed by the users of the textbook, and would be the flavour added to the basic curriculum. There needs to be an interactive linking system between the state standards and the curriculum itself. At any time, someone should be able to find curriculum goals and then find the curriculum that that is designed to achieve those goals. A solution for delivering media (audio and video) in terms of hosting would be necessary.

Delivery plan – with teacher planning
The limitations of text force me to put this after the others, but it should be a constant development through the other sections. A way to deliver in classrooms (projectors etc…) would need to be discussed. (for which i will make a crazy suggestion see this link. these are great, bulbs last ten times longer, and they cost 20 bucks. Just need someone to build them.) A way to bring the teachers along in terms of giving them the necessary literacies to be able to teach using this stuff in the classroom. This is the most essential step, and should be followed throughout the project. Teacher buy in is essential.

3 Responses to “Wikitextbooks – Moving Forward.”

  1. john Mullaney Says:
    Dave this is an interesting sketch of a plan. Why not post it to the educationbridges site?
  2. Steve Margetts Says:
    A fascinating post that replicates the debate I have been having with many people over the past year since I started I agree with your excellent post.


  3. dave Says:
    i like cocomment.

Wikibooks – Notes on the project

wow… January is supposed to be involve painful attempts at exercise and sneaking christmas chocolats… not this wicked influx of work. It’s good fun though, and, after taking a couple of hours to chill out and play a little crochinole, i thought i’d post a few notes from the show last Wednesday. The wikitext project may have some legs at this point… just depends on whether or not we get some more involvement.

Things we all agree on.

The technological changes in our society require us to adopt a more flexible and updatable platform for textbooks.
Technology, in and of itself, solves nothing.
This is a social justice issue.
We need validation.
We need a certain amount of control over the content.
A solid, defined plan is needed.

Is it about access to better content?
We were approached by the Nord Family Foundation to start a discussion about wikibooks we started in the position of delivering more current uptodate content. The wiki, then, would be a repository of current updatable information. It would mimic a classroom textbook except that it would, if you had right of access, be updatable with more and more current and accurate information.

Is it about access to better teaching styles?
As a repository for lesson plans and teaching methods, a wiki would be more of a training tool for teachers, so that they could be kept uptodate on the latest ‘best way’ to teach a given subject.

As in the following by Jim Gould…
We have the infrastructure to effect change, and that is lesson study. In a word, lesson study is an ongoing process where a team of teachers teach a few key lessons over and over to different groups of students. The teachers watch each other’s teaching—and the students’ responses, including the extent to which they learned the content being taught.

The result is a collection of a few critical and essential lessons that teach students vital math and science content knowledge. The upshot is that the students become empowered to continue learning at higher levels and have the confidence and desire to stick with a rigorous math and science course of study.

Wiki could be the medium to present these lessons so that affluent schools, poor schools, private schools, public schools, and charter schools could all benefit equally from such a project. After all, the future points to worldwide collaboration between knowledge workers, all of whom are players who know how to take a project apart, distribute the parcels to the best resources, and assemble the completed parts to create new material and non-material goods in demand throughout the World market.

Is it about building better textbooks?
A wikibook could also be about a different kind of textbook. An interactive textbook that students could actually be involved in the creation of. This textbook would have a solid core tied to state standards and then an expanding shell that would be adaptable and would develop according to the needs of the users.

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3 Responses to “Wikibooks – Notes on the project”

  1. ‘Wiki’ Textbooks » Says:
    […] Edit: I’ve just come across Dave Cormier’s (one of the hosts of EdTechTalk) blog entry about wikibooks. […]
  2. sean lancaster Says:
    from what i’ve seen of wikis, i have trouble conceptualizing a textbook that would be useful to other instructors. a wiki tends to have a “page” that is edited and perfected by the community for each individual topic. so, i want to have a unit where my ed tech class places our attention on distance learning in the k-12 classroom. a wiki would be set up to have a page devoted to each specific category, but not the whole chapter that i currently can assign to my students.

    so, with a wikitext, would i just go through the various pages and try and pull together all that apply to the unit i am teaching and just provide my students with a whole list of related, but not connected wiki entries for them to read to help understand the topic? that seems discombobulated to me.

    on the other hand, finding a way to have “chapters” instead of individual “pages” might work, if that is possible with a wiki. then again, the more we decide what those chapters are, the less appealing we make the text. for example, i might want to teach a chapter on issues in educational technology. another person might have a different conceptualization of the issues that i include and might add many others. so now, i am assigning only parts of the chapter to my students, but maybe i want some of those other issues included in another chapter.

    i guess i need to see some examples of a wikitext before i can jump on board. i coordinate an undergraduate ed tech course for future teachers. we have about 20 sections of the course each semester and 4 instructors wrote the textbook we use. i get paid 50 cents a copy, so this was really done to provide our students with a very affordable textbook that meets all of our teaching objectives. i could easy give the textbook up and shift to a wikitext with the same 4 authors. unfortunately, we’d have to start over because our publisher owns what we’ve already written. i am still intrigued with giving this a try for our program. i just wonder how it translates nationally or internationally.

  3. Josh Loewen Says:
    Hi Dave, I just came across your site. There are few Math teachers here in BC who are in the process of starting up a wiki site similar to what you are discussing. I haven’t read all your entries here yet (I have a class in 20 minutes), but I will be reading further soon. We aren’t so much focused on the business model just yet, nor on replacing existing textbooks, but are hoping that collaboration will create a reliable source of supplementary information for our high school Math students.

On Another Note – Projects, thoughts and snippets

A quiet Sunday night here on the isle of red sand. The grass is poking green through the ice in my backyard, and i’m already making plans for the new sound studio I just might make upstairs in the attic. It’s good to have plans in the wintertime… something about the 8 hours of sunlight that we get here drives me to construction. At least mentally. Whatever that means. I thought I would take a little time and sketch out some of my other plans for the year. Some of them are personal, some professional. I’ll start with professional ones and, for those of you who might be entertained, you can keep reading.

Education Bridges
On Thursday we launch Education bridges with our first show on wikibooks. We were contacted by a philanthropic foundation called the Nord Family Foundation. They’ve contracted us to do a few shows in an attempt to start a dialogue on various educational issues. We’ve invited administrators, teachers, funding people and anyone else who will come to tell us what they think of the matter. I’d love all your support. Come out to the show. Post. Tell us what you think of wikibooks (or any of the other issues we may deal with later.) We’re trying to give the funding people a real sense of what we think…

Digital Library
This is a project that I’ll be talking about as the year moves along. Suffice it to say for now that I’m now the tech coordinator for the digital library at UPEI, University of Moncton and the University of New Brunswick. It is, I am told, similar in many respects to the Marist library, but more on this when i’ve been there a little longer. I think there’s alot of potential there… it’ll take a few weeks before i have a better idea of what that is.

Elgg Project
I really need to find the time to get my elgg project back together. It’s getting silly. I can’t seem to get that together.

The Empty Page
I must say i haven’t exactly been all that committed to getting my novel done. I figure mentioning it here won’t hurt. Any of you clever enough (or somehow curious enough) to have cut off the folder name for my blog have found my sad, lonely first chapter. By this time next week, one more installment. I promise.

I have a set of little wooden puzzles… 4 dinosaurs actually, that i’m going to make for my nephew.

Arrgghh… must close the computer. I’ve been kicking away at this beast for most of the day. Goodnight you fine folks.
no really.

I’m going to really try and get this and more than this done. i hope.

One Response to “On Another Note – Projects, thoughts and snippets”

  1. Bud Hunt Says:

    Looks like a pretty good list. You’ve been up to some pretty amazing stuff over the last several months, so I’m sure no one will be disappointed if you don’t get everything done. (Except your nephew, of course. Make that your top priority.)

Wikibooks – a project suggestion

It’s been a couple of weeks of holidays here before i start my new job at UPEI and get to work doing a few new shows. We’ve got some interesting things in the pipe over at worldbridges this year, and when put together with my offline life, seems to prophecy busy times ahead.

One of those discussions that we’re hoping to have is about wikibooks. There are many schools around the world that don’t have access to updated textbooks, and one of the solutions that has been put forward has been the creation of wikibooks. The wikimedia foundation has been going on with the creation of wikibooks for a few years, here is the free high school science text: physics It isn’t finished, or particularly visually compelling, but it is a start i suppose. At first blush people seem to react one of two ways, “wow, great idea” or “what a really dumb idea”. I’ve heard both, and argued both, in different circumstances, but here I will lay out a few ideas and some of the issues that have come up in my past discussions with smarter people.

I would see a well funded wikibook project as a viable alternative to the current publisher textbook hegemony. With the work done at wikimedia as a backbone, the right input, enthusiasm and knowhow, a full wikibook science program could be up within a year. The key to the success of such a project would be getting ‘everyone’ involved. Not just science people and curriculum designers, but teachers, science institutions and students as well. A solid organizational structure, a place for debate and disagreement, as well as areas for student input. It has all the potential for being a real turning point for education.

Imagine an assignment in a biology class that includes the drawing of a biology cell. A particularly successful student might get their drawing included in the wikibook for everyone’s future reference. There could be 20 left on file as alternatives to the standard version of the textbook that teachers or students might choose to use as a reference. They could do audio or video projects. A nice, big, learning community.

Here are some quick pro/cons.


How do we know that the information in the textbook is ‘true’?possible response
A good wikibook project would have validation built into it. There are several ways to go about doing this including paying section editors, encouraging a wikipedia style editing structure and encouraging students and teachers to be involved in the fact checking/development process.
how do we know that current textbooks are ‘true’


A wikibook would allow teachers to choose the portions of the science curriculum that they want to use out of a larger library of information and activitiespossible response
This could mean even more work for teachers than they are doing now


A wikibook is uptodate. It is not a one-time investment like a textbook that needs to be repurchased every yearpossible response
the wikibook project will need to be funded… this too will cost money

Class infrastructure

It fine to have the ‘new’ textbooks on the internet, but how will the students access it if they don’t have access to computers in the home or even in their classroom.possible response
Print off the textbooks every few years.
Look for funding for computers and LCD projectors in the classrooms.

Not a complete discussion by any means, but hopefully a place to begin a debate that will allow us to make better choices…

cheers all… and happy new year.

4 Responses to “Wikibooks – a project suggestion”

  1. Sarah Chauncey Says:
    I love the idea. What I would want to see is the same information written for different grade (reading) levels. For example, if my students are doing research on whales, they could click on a link which would take the content from quite simple Kindergarten Level right up to College Level. This would help in the early years when children in the same grade are reading and comprehending above and below grade level. As with everything else, if the big guys feel that such a project could take off — they will become involved in a big way!
  2. Lee Baber Says:
    I think this would be a fanatastic alternative to books. There are plenty of negatives to hard copies so we don’t need to discuss that just yet. The good side of the electronic version of a textbook forever updated goes on and on. I am especially excited about this because I love to produce visuals… I would love to spend all my time creating photos, drawings, animations, videos, and eventually virtual realities to add to the wikibooks. What better way to learn a subject than incredible audio and visual. Of course the content laid in a text version is the foundation for the “book” but adding all the media will appeal to all learning styles.
  3. Mark Hemphill Says:
    Great idea Dave! Welcome to UPEI.
  4. Knowledge2Go » Blog Archive » Textbooks as wikis Says:
    […] The idea of producing school and university textbooks as wikis (i.e. as free and editable online texts) is slowly starting to gain momentum. Dave Cornier lists some pros and cons. The great thing about publishing a textbook as a wiki is that users (e.g. students and lecturers) can contribute to the text and so help to improve it and keep it current. Direct editing of the text need not be completely open (as is the case with wikipedia) – there could be different types of contributors, such as editors, chapter authors, box authors, and people who are allowed to comment or add margin notes. One way for textbook authors to make some money out of this form of publishing would be to sell printed copies of the book to those who don’t have good internet access, or who prefer to use a hard copy. Filed under: Publishers, Participation, Students […]

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